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Yet in other scenes, no matter if her blouse was opened or not, this cross would inexplicable appear and disappear randomly between shots. What message is CNN trying to send and why does it have to be so underhanded? Having grown up with rifles and hunting I then moved into the international production community, I have seen a lot of violence. Friends bleeding from multiple wounds in Mexico, beruit. I do not understand the belief in America that you need a gun to protect yourself.
Who needs an assault rifle? I have been licensed in the USA to carry fire arms for my self defense. I found that the fact that I am carrying a firearm prejudiced my reaction to a given situation.
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I feel that I am much more in controp of a situation without a firearm. You really cleared this up for me. Do you create this type of great content yourself or are you part of a team? Try to make the guest blog as amazing as possible by promoting and dropping links. Thank you for sharing this great info. Dude, you are seriously blowing my reality. My reality is blown!
Christiane as someone who is half Iranian, half English you have a duty to bring the USA and Iran closer together to resolve their differences, to be a bridge, a peace maker On top of that expense will be the cost of the solutions. Instead it is to do more science and do it soon. Please, the topic is critically important, so go back to work scientists, tell us what you need, and we can ask Al Gore for help with the money to do this.
Please read. If there is an update to this article, please advise. And that is my two cents. I did not know that you grew up in Iran, for instance, and that makes your work even more impressive. Might youone day tell me more about this issue? I try to visit your website at least once a day or more so I can keep up with the latest news and trends. I discovered this while on Twitter. I just needed to say that this article is great!
I just had no idea that this was happeningtoday. I tried my own government in the uk and they just sugested i contact edf, one of the biggest producers of nucliar power plants,"possibley in the world". If anyone i have seen on the news has the stomuch to follow this up its YOU.! Thanks Amanpour for your interview with the Equatorial Guinea president, that is just the evil and part of the problem with Africa. I am just watching you show with President Obiang of Equatorial Guinea. I have lived in Africa for years and have made several trips to that country.
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I can not understand how a man can sit calmly and lie like he is on this interview. He has built super highways to nowhere, arrested political opponents and it amongst the worst in corruption. In all the expenses on the infrastructure, basically nothing goes to education. He purposely maintains them in ignorance so they will not learn and see how he and his system are abusing them.
He thinks he can lie his way to the end. He and his family are a total joke.
I am trying to discover more on this field. I got to tell you that I am super impressed. To think, I was confused a minute ago. Hi amanpour i know you after watching your interview with Imran khan. I am happy to choose this plate form to send the message to the world.
First of all i condemn the attack on malala yousaf zai of Pakistan and thanks to the national and international media for raising this issue very well. So i ask you to please raise this issue with same spirit and courage and urge media to do the same. I need to get interviews by Amanpour on CD to improve american accent of English.
From where and how i can get required material on CD. Love your show. Race home from work to watch it. You offer perhaps the most informative and responsible news show available these days. I particularly enjoy your shows re. You are a champion of girls and we are so blessed to have your voice and strength. AM fond of ur way in u conducting ur programme.. Amanpour, you are a true moron. For US to get involved in Syria would be lunacy.
There is nothing there for us. They are Islmaic hard-liners who hate us and the country has nothing we need. Let them fight until the last man falls. S should only interfere if it wants something for itself like it did in Iraq for oil.
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Love to watch whatever you put on TV. Are you a Baha-i? By Faith? Aires Mario da Cruz. This blog looks exactly like my old one! Superb choice of colors! Zhang Jin, your mentor is asking you actually! Dear Christiane, I always watch your programs — I have actually been watching for a very long time.
I was watching your program today 2nd -Nov on rebuilding the devastated areas from hurricane Sandy, and the options which were given by the lady expert had no bearing for a natural solution. Like most people I was wondering about planning for future protection for this bare coastline before the next big one.
Surprisingly, nobody mentions mangrove forests. Nature is so powerful it makes desolate all man-made developments. Natural barriers have huge potential and are not static and hard as man-made ones. All the coasts we see on TV have no protection, and whereas we need pristine beaches for recreation etc. Is this a possible option? Hi Christiana amampour there is a news that u will love to tell on your program. Another black African from SA living out of the country wanting to sell her story for a dollar.
Can they not give instead of wanting hand outs WHY do all U S and Cnn belave the Israelis ,and take there side even when the rest of the world can see that killing woman childern ,is it because there muslim ,and not good Tea Party people.