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U go to where angels are afraid to go just to keep us informed. Thank u!! I remember the Iran-Irak war, in Bosnia etc just to name a few, U were never afraid of the bullet that could kill or wound u just because u wanted the world to know and see the truth of what was going on in that part of the world and the truth indeed u made us know. May u leave long to continue doing what u love doing for the people. I love watching CNN because of u. U are a STAR, keep shining!!! Amanpour, is a lying SOB, and we are suppose to applaud this two-faced hypocrite?

The rest is double speak. The first victim in the Bosnian war was not Suada Dilberovic, although she was not killed by a Serb but was shot by Muslim snipers on the ground in front of the Holiday Inn. Amanpour convinced her readers she was shot from the roof by Serb snipers. However Amanpour was betrayed by her Muslim comrades as Sarajevo television accidentally recorded Muslim snipers in a van on the ground that killed her. Not revealing the facts is a well known trait of Amanpour.

The first victim of the Bosnian war was the father of the groom at a Serbian wedding in which the priest was shot and many of the wedding guests injured by Muslim terrorists who told the wedding party that they were no longer allowed to carry Serbian flags in the NEW Bosnia! She spent the war in a beautiful suite at the Holiday Inn never venturing more than a few miles from the hotel as she relied completely on Muslim runners for her stories which were bias from the outset as she could not speak in Serbo Croatian and took these bigoted runners at their word.

And now she has the audacity to claim journalistic integrity? Being critical that Serbs were trying to take over Yugoslavia to create a "Greater Serbia" she is blind-sided by her own Muslim bias, bigotry and ambition. What in hell do we now call ethnically and religiously pure Slovenia, but a "Greater Slovenia," and "ethnically and religiously pure" Croatia, but a "Greater Croatia" Or soon to be ethnically and religiously pure Kosovo where the Muslim terrorists have destroyed Serbian Orthodox Churches in the past 9 years, right under the noses of 17, NATO troops?

If those events were turned in favor of the Serbs she would be the first to scream like a stuck pig. Kosovo which had a Serb majority for over years has been reduced to 10, Serbs in my lifetime and I am 74 years old. But Amanpour still clings to the Muslim lie of victimology at the hands of the Serbs who were enslaved by Muslims for years, denied the right to an education, land ownership and even the use of musical instruments. She never once raised her voice that in the entire decade of the s not one single article appeared in the New York Times and Los Angeles Times that was written by a Serbian journalist, author, scholar or political leader.

CNN was equally demonic of never covering the Serbian side of this war.

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Her silence, as she stepped over Serbian bodies in Bosnia tell us all we need to know about the real Christiane Amanpour. The first war started with the assasination of Archduke francis ferdinand in srajevo Bosnisby a serb,Times wrote"choice of the turks"who were followed by the indian muslims insympathy.. Treaty of versailles sowed the seeds of WW11 whose effects are not yet over. You trampled on practically everyone in your intemperate zeal and anger. But you were uncivil and irritated viewers who wished to hear the other panelists.

You did your homework right and challenged her on all issues. I hope she get it. Are all politicians hypocrite! Thank You. While the world slept, a barbaric killing of genocide proportion took place in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

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I spoke to various folks in my country and they all said more than people were killed by armed activist of current Hasina government along with police, RAB and BGB Border Guard of Bangladesh last night at 2 AM in the morning. The people who were killed had gathered as part of a pressure group called Hefazat-a-Islaam to enact blasphemy laws. Maybe they were Islamist in nature, but nonetheless they were peaceful or at least unarmed folks. They were barbaricly slaughtered in the wee hours of the night in complete blackout and in the absense of media. This is flagrant violation of human rights.

Please cover this story and dig up the truth. The world needs to know what actually happened, in what ever shape or form the truth may be. Thank you. I have been watching your program for years. As an "iranian Woman" I would like to appreciate your effort to support women. I hope we have chance to discuss few items in this regards, per your response to this email.

Hello Hear my words carefully CNN New that i am from Afghanistan and worked for Canadian Troops but unfornatly my life is not properly protected need to Go Canada but you have to reach my words over there Please Help and protect my life. I need to show you the prove where Taliban completely threaten me. I truly love your articles. You always seem to know just what to say. If you should ever make it out to Illinois you may stay at my place. How can you be able to stay up to date with current information when this world is constantly changing?

I really enjoyed reading what you had to say. CNN US should give her more space and opportunity. Hello Christiane Amanpour! I always watching you in TV and i like your way when u hosted ur programs. I always catch up your reports, every time.

Джейна Соло-Фел | Вукипедия | Fandom

Good Job, Amanpour! When one is seeking new pattern, one is a State of uncertainly; therefore there is a lack of insurance or stability. When public opinion is poisoned by ignorance and prejudice, it becomes more tyrannical then the most despotic State. Society must be organized it must systematically permeate every cell of the social body. However, the concept of a patent in a society tends by either a minority or a majority, as has already happened in history raise a number of perplexing problems. In that situation, the individual as a cell of social body is morally bounded to do something against that.

When a cell of social body seek a new pattern, a chief engineer of a new pattern must by sufficient in it self.

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All that the individual can do is to formulate and propagate their own way of expressing the instinctive desires of their body. At the same time they must contribute their efforts constantly to the revolutionary organization. This is the natural power of the masses; this and nothing more. If instinct alone sufficed to liberate all the peoples, they would have long since given themselves freely to this. These instincts did not prevent them from, accepting; all the religious, political, and economic absurdities of which they have become eternal victims of.

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They are very ineffective because they lack two important criteria; organization and knowledge! Until we are not able to definite: organization and knowledge, we are not able to sketch a new pattern, which it will include all cell of the social body. Kindest Regards Amir Heidari amir. Please go on giving your support. The only thing we ask for is democracy!

He was here for the first three days of the protests, and then left for his trip to Africa. Please ask those you speak to about the over 40 lawyers who were arrested today for protesting in court. Please also ask them about the over 30 people who were arrested for writing about the protests over Twitter.

Please also ask them about the tweet the governor of Istanbul wrote saying more people would be arrested for writing on social media. Thank you for the live coverage from Taksim, Istanbul!

What time is Amanpour on CNN?

Please please please know that this the call of people of Turkey to bring back justice and peace to our beautiful country!!! We are peaceful people, trying to stop a fascist monster, trying to prevent just another free and secular country to shred and go back into medieval times They are lying to you. They are going to meet mock up group tomorrow. These people are not the original Gezi protesters.

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    There are people injured and even dead from what I hear. Please see that people were walking around and doing nothing when they were attacked. This is not about green or trees any more it is about human rights, people feeling pushed around, lied to, a nd not having any say so in their future.

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    • Do you honestly think these write ups being posted have really had any long term results on the world? I believe they probably do. Spot on with this blog. You could be able to survive an evil zombie apocalypse. Thank you for standing up and speaking truth to our leaders in Turkey. And yet the American State Dept. These protestors are peaceful, but the police are using violence to provoke them.