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Этот сайт использует куки для улучшения вашего опыта. Dad tries to comfort his wife, Mom proposes to invite Chief Song over to their house. Mom follows her until she goes to a small restaurant. When Moms intends to leave she sees Ki-chul sitting inside. His minions close the shop and draw the curtains, preventing others from seeing more.

Yoon-jin reveals herself to be a North Korean spy, she gets close to Seuno on purpose. However, her pleas and tears do not move Ki-chul who instructs her to continue the mission as planned. Sun-woo meets the poor mother in the processing area, tells her that the daughter who saved the family and got them into this country is dead.

It is time for Yoon-jin to answer a scheduled call from her mother in the North but discovers that the secret phone is missing from her drawer. Back to the present, Mom holds up the ringing phone and asks Yoon-jin if she is looking for this. Mom demands that Yoon-jin never appear before her or her family from this moment on. Yoon-jin insists that her feelings towards Sun-woo are sincere, despite knowing that she was not supposed to fall in love with him. Yoon-jin sits in the dark with her tears until she senses that Sun-woo is approaching.

She quickly calls him with an excuse that she is busy with work and insists not to meet tonight. Next day Yoon-jin collects some cash and various passports then leaves her apartment. She wants to escape from Ki-chul but is caught by his and taken to a remote area where Ki-chul is already waiting for her. Yoon-jin tells K-chul that she will walk away from Sun-woo, Ki-chul lets her go. Just as Yoon-jin is about to walk away, a familiar ring stops her in her tracks.

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She asks what it is that Ki-chul wants from her, he grabs her throat and says absolute allegiance. Sun-woo is worried since his family are still in the dark about him working for NIS. Sun-woo stays late at the office, where his facial identification software picks up on a possible match between Ki-chul and an old army photo. Yoon-jin calls and Sun-woo leaves in a hurry without notice the program pick up on another match among the North Korean ranks, his Mom.

At home Mom and Dad test out the phone-hacking program, noticing that moving the phone interrupts the process. Sun-woo find Yoon-jin is upset at dinner. He can see right through her and figures that Mom did go and see his girlfriend after all. But Yoon-jin pulls her hand out of his and says that is not what a family does. If someone were to ask her to choose between love or her family, she would choose the latter every single time.

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Sun-woo taking her hand again, he vows to protect her and become the family she does not have. Sun-woo invites Yoon-jin over to join them for dinner. Yoon-jin accepted the invitation. Hyun-tae, who had no plans on attending the dinner, is in a surprise when Chief Song picks him up in a surveillance van. He wants Hyun-tae to go to the dinner with him to help him out with something.

Hyun-tae concerns whether Sun-woo is under suspicion and Song replies that he is not.

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Sun-woo heads home unable to shake off the images from the explosion, since something in there has caught his attention. Eun-ah arrives last and brings ginseng with her, flushing in embarrassment when she looks over at Sun-woo. At the dining table, Hyun-tae asks Mom about her past in China and how she met her husband.

When asked whether they have any relatives in China, both Sun-woo and Mom are quick to say no. It is Young-seo who unthinkingly blurts out that there is an uncle. Yoon-jin, who has contacted Sun-woo before for late because of work, is brought to the house by Ki-chul and his lackeys, and told to just do as she is ordered.

Sun-woo introduces Yoon-jin to everyone as the girl he is going to marry. Yoon-jin helps Mom do the dishes after dinner, but Mom mummers that she does not need her help. Sun-woo seems to know that leaving the two of them alone is a bad idea, so he noses in to ask what they are talking about. Mom motions for Young-seo to distract Eun-ah. His eyes settle on the same picture Sun-woo honed in on as he thinks back to Sun-woo snatching the explosion case file away from him.

Something is not right. Chief Song gets to approach Dad about the passcode-cracking software his company has been developing, explaining that he cannot go through official channels because of the sensitivity of the information on the hard drive he has collected, Dad pretends to be happy to help. Yoon-jin calls from outside while Mom goes back in, catching Song with his phone out. Sun-woo notices Mom and Yoon-jin are suddenly working like a team, he does not say anything, but grows curious when Mom disappears into her room to check the hack. Yoon-jin stops him before he goes inside by requesting him to open a jar.

He sends through a bunch of code he managed to swipe before the second password was asked for, Chief Song underlines some numbers and draws a dollar sign next to them. He follows it and calls Hyun-tae to tell him. All of a sudden, Sun-woo loses his ability to speak when he sees Ki-chul and Mom hovering nearby. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. SPY Promotional poster. Summary 1 In a dark alley of Shenyang, China, Kim Sun-woo speaks with his mother on the phone, reassuring her that he is traveling up from Busan.